The High School
48-Hour Film Competition
April 2025
Have you ever made a film? Ever wanted to?
Do you have what it takes to write, shoot and edit a film in only one weekend?
What's Involved?
It's Four Easy Steps
1. Get your friends to be the cast and crew
3. List your possible costumes and locations
2. Gather your equipment--camera, sound, lights, editing software (Did you know, a lot of great shorts are shot on cell phones?!?)
4. Register for the HS48
What we provide
A filmmaking competition open to all high school students
A filmmaking assignment that includes the genre for your film and three elements that must be included in your film--a character, a prop, and a line of dialogue
A link to upload your completed film at the end of the competition
Online screening and judging of your film by industry professionals
Awards in a dozen categories including: Best Writing, Best Directing, Best Acting and Best Film
The winning film will screen at Filmapalooza, the international film festival of the 48 Hour Film Project